Study of Strontium titanate (SrTiO3) by Dielectric spectroscopy (CAT#: STEM-ST-0355-WXH)


Strontium titanate is an oxide of strontium and titanium with the chemical formula SrTiO3. At room temperature, it is a centrosymmetric paraelectric material with a perovskite structure. At low temperatures it approaches a ferroelectric phase transition with a very large dielectric constant ~104 but remains paraelectric down to the lowest temperatures measured as a result of quantum fluctuations, making it a quantum paraelectric.


The principle of this technique is to apply an AC signal of small amplitude to an electrode immersed into an electrolyte. The initial disturbance (applied) and the response of the electrode is compared by measuring the phase shift of the current and voltage components and by the measurements of their amplitudes.


Used to study the response of a sample subjected to an applied electric field of fixed or changing frequency. DS describes the dielectric properties of a material as a function of frequency.


Dielectric spectrometer