Swisstrace Twilite Three Blood Sampling System, 100-240V, Swisstrace (CAT#: STEM-CTEPO-0151-YJL)

Cat Number: STEM-CTEPO-0151-YJL

Application: It is ideal for use in conjunction with PET(/CT), PET/MR or beta-probes. It measures the time-course of radioactivity in whole blood with high temporal resolution (native 1 second) in small and large experimental subjects.

Model: Twilite Three

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Swisstrace Twilite Three Blood Sampling System, 100-240V, model Twilite Three, is manufactured by Swisstrace.
Coincidence detection ensures that the system is insensitive to background radioactivity in the imaging suite or subject.
The core of the Twilite is a very compact detector head machined from medical grade tungsten, which shields the LYSO crystals from outside radiation and is fully MR compatible (BGO version available on request).
The scintillations are conveyed to photo-multiplier tubes in the base unit via two flexible, high efficiency, liquid-core light guides. This elegant design is without any electronics or moving parts in the detector head and thus avoids the introduction of MR artifacts due to electromagnetic interference.
The blood catheter passes between the LYSO crystals in an uninterrupted loop, minimizing risk in human research experiments and allowing standard sterile Luer-lock items to be used. A large touch-screen on the front-panel serves as the user interface, and also displays the current status and measured values. Sensitivity, linearity and signal-to-noise are best-in-class.


Condition: Used
Electrical: 100-240V, 50/60Hz

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