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Syngene Gene Flash Gel Imaging System, Syngene (CAT#: STEM-E-2060-LGZ)


1. A GeneTools software package is provided that allows the user to perform adequate image analysis, background subtraction, etc., as well as some gimmicks (such as recoloring black and white images to show color with ethidium bromide or SYBR® green stained gels).
2. The CCD camera has manual focus, manual optical 8-48mm zoom and manual aperture functions.
3. GeneFlash offers a filter suitable for ethidium bromide stained DNA gels, but optional filters from Syngene are compatible with a wide variety of protein and DNA stains (Coomassie Blue, Silver Stain, SYBR® Gold, SYBR® Green, SYBR® Safe, GelStar®, Sypro® Red, Sypro® Ruby, Sypro® Orange, Fluorescein, Rhodamine Red™, Texas Red®, Pro-Q® Diamond, Deep Purple™). Non-fluorescent stains such as Coomassie require the use of a dual (UV-Vis) transilluminator or UV-to-Vis converter.

Cat Number: STEM-E-2060-LGZ

Application: For gel imaging.

Model: Gene Flash

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The manufacturer of Syngene Gene Flash Gel Imaging System is Syngene. Model is Gene Flash. Syngene's GeneFlash is a relatively new entry-level CCD-based gel documentation system in the US market. It is an 8-bit 768 X 582 pixel black and white camera with a microprocessor controlled darkroom. The darkroom's large sliding door provides easy access to the transilluminator. The darkroom has an integrated color LCD display and an 8-key panel where users can operate the camera, printer, save files and change system settings. As a stand-alone unit, the GeneFlash can be used with a thermal video printer (one manufactured by Sony and supplied by Syngene); or it can be connected via an Ethernet or WiFi network to a PC running the GeneFlash server software. Gel images can be saved individually as BMP or TIFF files, on a flash memory stick (USB port next to the LCD), or on a server via a network.


Condition: used
8-bit 768 X 582 pixel black-and-white camera


1. A GeneTools software package is provided that allows the user to perform adequate image analysis, background subtraction, etc., as well as some gimmicks (such as recoloring black and white images to show color with ethidium bromide or SYBR® green stained gels).
2. The CCD camera has manual focus, manual optical 8-48mm zoom and manual aperture functions.
3. GeneFlash offers a filter suitable for ethidium bromide stained DNA gels, but optional filters from Syngene are compatible with a wide variety of protein and DNA stains (Coomassie Blue, Silver Stain, SYBR® Gold, SYBR® Green, SYBR® Safe, GelStar®, Sypro® Red, Sypro® Ruby, Sypro® Orange, Fluorescein, Rhodamine Red™, Texas Red®, Pro-Q® Diamond, Deep Purple™). Non-fluorescent stains such as Coomassie require the use of a dual (UV-Vis) transilluminator or UV-to-Vis converter.

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