TGA801 Thermogravimetric Analyzer, LECO (CAT#: STEM-LE-0189-LC)


Maximize productivity and improve work flow:
Automated thermogravimetric analysis batch of up to 19 samples
Eliminate the handling, transfer, and cooling time required of traditional gravimetric methods

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0189-LC

Application: Coal, cement, catalyst, foods, and feeds.

Model: TGA801

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By combining the most advanced hardware with an onboard touch screen software platform and rugged design, TGA801 can provide accurate and high-precision thermogravimetric analysis, including moisture, ash, volatile content, and LOI in various organic, inorganic, and synthetic materials.


Temperature Range: Up to 1000 °C
Sample Weight: 1 g
Capacity: Up to 19 samples


Maximize productivity and improve work flow:
Automated thermogravimetric analysis batch of up to 19 samples
Eliminate the handling, transfer, and cooling time required of traditional gravimetric methods
Determine multiple constituent analysis such as moisture, volatile matter, and ash from a single sample and analysis batch sequence
Optimize analysis time using automatic end point recognition based upon sample mass constancy

Superior analytical performance:
Stable and precise mass measurements throughout the analysis cycle using an integrated, thermally isolated 0.0001 g low drift balance
Precise furnace temperature ramping and set point control provides excellent temperature accuracy with low temperature overshoot
Rotating automation sequence provides uniform exposure of all samples to the furnace conditions
Automated control of furnace atmosphere and gas flows (air, nitrogen, or oxygen)

Unparalleled versatility:
Automated multi-sample analysis batch,up to 19 samples
Macro sample mass capabilities, nominal 1 g
Flexible method settings enable configuration of system to emulate classic gravimetric test method requirements
Optimized analysis time with the automatic end point recognition using sample mass constancy

Innovative system design:
Rugged, high-performance ceramics enable operation temperature up to 1000 °C
Robust and reliable motor-driven rotary system automation mechanism provides versatility and speed
External ventilation system provides reliable removal of furnace exhaust while eliminating possible balance vibration interference
Software provides seamless sample login and loading process with real time graphical displays of analysis cycle data

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