Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum Access With Agilent 1100, Thermo Scientific (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0038-YJL)


Agilent 1100 HPLC System
Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum Access LC/MS/MS Triple Quad
Mechanical Pump

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0038-YJL

Application: For pharmaceutical, environmental, food safety, clinical research, and forensic toxicology.

Model: 8354-50-0002

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Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum Access With Agilent 1100, model 8354-50-0002, is manufactured by Thermo Scientific. Thermo TSQ Quantum Access LC/MS/MS with Agilent 1100 – In-stock & Ship Ready
Based on the proven performance of the TSQ Series platform, the Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum Access mass spectrometer provides excellent sensitivity and specificity at an affordable price, making it the value-conscious choice for a wide variety of LC/MS applications. Recommended for pharmaceutical, environmental, food safety, clinical research, and forensic toxicology.
Continuing the tradition of innovation, the TSQ Quantum Access features Quantitation-Enhanced Data-Dependent MS/MS (QED-MS/MS) which allows for simultaneously quantitative and qualitative analysis. The specificity provided by Highly Selective Reaction Monitoring (H-SRM) followed by QED-MS/MS provides uncompromised quantitative performance at low levels followed by a fast, highly specific full MS/MS scan for confirmation.
Simple, intuitive software makes the system easy to use and enables faster method acceptance without operator retraining on complex hybrid technology.
Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum Access LC/MS/MS Triple Quad
Mechanical Pump
Data System
GMI Certified Pre-Owned Warranty Coverage
Optional Configuration
Agilent/HP 1100 Series G1312A Binary Pump
Agilent/HP 1100 Series G1313 Autosampler
Agilent/HP 1100 Series G1316A Column compartment
Agilent/HP 1100 Series G1322A Degasser and Solvent tray
More Configurations available


Condition: Certified Pre-Owned


Agilent 1100 HPLC System
Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum Access LC/MS/MS Triple Quad
Mechanical Pump
Data System
GMI Certified Pre-Owned Warranty Coverage

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