The manufacturer of the e2695 HPLC System, Waters is Waters. Refurbished Waters 2695e (p/n 186269502) complete with gradient pump, auto-injector, autosampler, heated column compartment (p/n 289000560) and all necessary cables. Optional: Waters Empower PC workstation, Waters column heater (p/n 186001791), and Waters 2998 PDA (p/n 186002998).
Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned Number of sample vials: 120 vials configured in 5 carousels of 24 vials each Number of sample injections: 1 to 99 injections per sample vial Sample delivery precision: Typically < 0.5% RSD, 5 to 80 μL. (Degassed methanol/water 60: 40 Dial-a-Mix, 1 mL/min, six replicates, phenone mix, 254 nm.) Injector needle wash: Integral, active, programmable Sample carryover: < 0.01% (based on the following chromatographic conditions): Column – XBridge C18, 4.6 × 50 mm, 3.5 μm Mobile Phase – 70% Water/30% Methanol Needle Wash – 100% Methanol Challenge Sample – 4.0 mg/mL caffeine (in mobile phase) Carryover Standard – 0.4 mg/mL caffeine (in mobile phase) Injection Volume (all) – 5.0 μL Injection accuracy: ±1 μL (±2%), 50 μL, N = 6. Sample is degassed water, analytical solvent is degassed methanol.Standard sample vial2 mL Sample temperature control (optional): Ambient minus 25 °C or 4 °C (whichever is greater) to 40 °C, in 1 °C increments ± 3 °C temperature accuracy 60 minute time limit from lab ambient to heating setpoint 90 minute time limit from lab ambient to cooling setpoint Advanced operations: Stat runs, auto additions, auto standards Injection volume range: 0.1 to 100 μL, standard; 0.1 to 2000 μL, with optional sample loop Injector linearity: > 0.999 coefficient of deviation (1 to 100 μL)
Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification In excellent condition Thoroughly cleaned Money back guarantee Certified with warranty