TriStar II Series Surface Area and Porosity Analyzer, Micromeritics Instrument Corporation (CAT#: STEM-LE-0451-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0451-LC

Application: Pharmaceuticals, Ceramics, Adsorbents, Activated Carbons, Carbon Black, Catalyst, Paints and Coatings, Projectile Propellant, Medical Implants, Electronics, Cosmetics, Aerospace, Geoscience, Nanotubes, Fuel Cells

Model: TriStar II Series

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TriStar II is a fully automatic device with three independent station for measurement of surface area and porosity analyzer. It can improve the speed and efficiency of conventional quality control analysis, while maintaining high accuracy, resolution and data reduction capabilities. Krypton Option of allows measurements in the surface area as low as 0.01 m2/g.


Pressure Range: 0 to 950 mmHg
Gases: Nitrogen, Argon, Carbon dioxide, or other non-corrosive gases, Butane, Methane, or other light hydrocarbon vapors, Oxygen or Krypton
Measures: Surface Area and Porosity

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