Unused Cole Parmer MasterFlex I/P Peristaltic Pump, 0.1-652 RPM (CAT#: STEM-LAPO-0035-YJL)


Peristaltic pumps capable of handling flows from 0.6μl/min. to 8,000 liter/hour and handling pressures of up to 7 bar (100psi)
Fixed and mechanically or electronically variable speed drives including ATEX versions
LoadSure™ elements ensure correct tube loading

Cat Number: STEM-LAPO-0035-YJL

Application: Used to provide strong flow, precise control and excellent solvent

Model: 520U/R

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Unused Cole Parmer MasterFlex I/P Peristaltic Pump, 0.1-652 RPM, model 520U/R, is manufactured by Watson Marlow.
Watson Marlow™ Peristaltic Pumps are accurate, low maintenance peristaltic dosing and metering pumps. Simple to install, easy to use.


Condition: Unused
Electrical: 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 135VA
Description: Continuous tubing
Flow Rate: 4 mL/min. to 3.5L/min.
External Control: Automatic/analogue control
Pump Head: Single and multi-channel pump head options.
Display Type: Digital Color Display
Motor Speed: 0.1 to 220 rpm


Peristaltic pumps capable of handling flows from 0.6μl/min. to 8,000 liter/hour and handling pressures of up to 7 bar (100psi)
Fixed and mechanically or electronically variable speed drives including ATEX versions
LoadSure™ elements ensure correct tube loading
Accurate and repeatable flow rates
Contamination-free pumping
Easy to install, operate and maintain
Virtually maintenance-free: no expensive seals, valves, diaphragms or rotors to leak, clog or corrode

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