Unused Novasep Process Hipersep Pilot HPLC Skid System, 5-65 DEG C, Novasep Process (CAT#: STEM-CSAPO-0005-LJX)


Work efficiently
Run smoothly
High accuracy

Cat Number: STEM-CSAPO-0005-LJX

Application: For analysis and detection.

Model: Novasep Process

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High performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) is the application of high performance liquid chromatography principle, mainly used for the analysis of high boiling point non-volatile, heat instability and large molecular weight of organic compounds instrument equipment.


Condition: Used
CE Marked: YES
Pressure Rating (Temperature): 5-65 DEG C
Voltage: 230 VOLTS
Frequency: 50 HERTZ
Recommended Packaging Form: CUSTOM PALLET
Dimensions: Standard
Overall: 106.30 x 40.98 x 67.72 in - 1322.76 lb


Work efficiently
Run smoothly
High accuracy
High precision

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