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Vaccines Development and Production

Vaccines are biological preparations that provide immunity against specific diseases by stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies. They are crucial tools in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and have been instrumental in controlling and eradicating deadly diseases. The development and production of vaccines are essential processes that require precision and efficiency to ensure their effectiveness. With the ongoing global pandemic, the importance of vaccines has become even more apparent, highlighting the need for advanced technologies to streamline the development and production process.

Microfluidic technology can be applied in vaccines development and production in various ways. One of the key advantages of microfluidics is its ability to automate and miniaturize complex processes, reducing the time and resources required for vaccine development. Additionally, microfluidic devices can facilitate the precise manipulation of reagents and cells, leading to higher reproducibility and consistency in vaccine production. Furthermore, microfluidics can enable the rapid screening of potential vaccine candidates and optimize their formulation, accelerating the overall development timeline. Overall, microfluidics technology has the potential to revolutionize the vaccines development and production process, making it faster, more cost-effective, and more scalable.

What We Can Do for You

STEMart uses microfluidics technology to streamline the development and production of vaccines and improve overall efficiency.

  • Virus detection and analysis: Combine microfluidics with PCR method to amplify and quantify viral DNA and RNA for subsequent analysis.
  • High-throughput screening of virus particles: Screen single virus particles with droplet-based microfluidics for optimal antigenic features of vaccine candidates.
  • Directed evolution of bacteria strains for plasmids: Insert a selected viral gene which typically express a surface marker protein and elicit patient immune response into a bacterial plasmid to create Recombinant DNA. Encapsulate, screen and sort the bacterial strains which contain recombinant plasmids with droplet-based microfluidics.
  • Manufacturing of Recombinant DNA at scale: Speed up bio-fermentation of yeast or bacteria cells which are transfected with the recombinant plasmid with droplet-based microfluidics.
  • Optimization of vaccine adjuvant formulation: Enhance vaccine’s efficacy by optimizing formulation of vaccine adjuvant which can help stimulate the host immune response, or increase the residence time of the vaccine at the target site.
  • Optimization of vaccine delivery: Optimize the delivery of vaccines by controlling factors such as particle size, shape, and surface properties to improve the targeting of vaccines to specific cells or tissues.
  • High-throughput screening of antibody: Identify which antigens produced from target genes or other organism fragments elicit the most effective immune response and then use droplet-based microfluidics for high-throughput screening of antibody producing cells via a sandwich assay.
  • In-vitro cell analysis
  • Large-scale production of a variety of vaccines, including:
    • mRNA vaccines
    • Virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines
    • Subunit vaccines
    • DNA vaccines

For more information about our vaccines development and production service, please contact us.

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