Vulcan Handheld LIBS Analyzer, 10 Times Faster Than XRF Analysis, Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science America, Inc (CAT#: STEM-CA-0012-LKN)
Cat Number: STEM-CA-0012-LKN
Application: Analyse a wide range of alloys, including aluminium, magnesium, titanium, cobalt, chromium, nickel, and copper alloys as well as stainless steels, tool steels, low alloy steels and more.
Vulcan Handheld LIBS Analyzer is manufactured by Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science America, Inc. This product is a durable, fast metal analyzer. Just squeeze the trigger, and in a second, the results will be there. When sorting aluminium alloys, Vulcan can be up to 10 times faster than XRF analysis. Because it uses laser-induced breakdown (LIBS) technology, you don't have to worry about X-rays.