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Waters 2487 HPLC UV/VIS Detector, Waters Corporation (CAT#: STEM-C-0099-LGZ)


1. With advanced programmability, dual wavelength capability, unmatched signal-to-noise performance, reduced optical bandwidth and exceptional linearity, the Waters 2487 detector provides the highest performance in UV/VIS detection for your HPLC analysis.
2. The innovative TaperSlit™ flow cell design and Lamp Optimization Software provide sensitivity to detect trace impurities combined with linear dynamic range for simultaneous quantification of major and minor components.

Cat Number: STEM-C-0099-LGZ

Application: For HPLC system.

Model: Waters 2487

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The manufacturer of Waters 2487 HPLC UV/VIS Detector is Waters Corporation. Model is Waters 2487. The Waters 2487 Dual λ Absorbance Detector is a dual channel, tunable, ultraviolet/visible (UV/Vis) detector. It is designed for high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) applications. The Waters 2487 Dual λ Absorbance Detector can be used as a stand-alone unit (with a chart recorder or integrator) or as part of a water chromatography system.


Condition: used
Wavelength range: 190 to 700 nm
Bandwidth: <5 nm
Wavelength accuracy: +1.0 nm
Wavelength repeatability: +0.1 nm
Single λ dry noise: <5 µAU (at 230 nm, 1 –second digital filter, 30-second segments, 10-Hz data rate, analytical cell)
Wet noise: <8 µAU (at 230 nm, 1-second digital filter 30-second segments, 10-Hz data rate, analytical cell)
Dual channel noise (dry): <35 µAU (measured at 230 nm, running at 230 to 280 nm with 2-second filter at 1-Hz data rate; dry, analytical cell)
Dual channel noise (wet): <45 µAU (measured at 230 nm, running at 230 to 280 nm with 2-second filter at 1-Hz data rate; 1 ml/min, flow of acetonitrile, analytical cell)
Linearity: <5% at 2.5 AU, propylparaben at 257 nm
Drift: 1.0 x 10-4 AU/hr. max (∆T = +2°C/hr.)
Thermal drift: 1.0 x 10-4 AU/°C max (∆T = +2°C/hr.)
Sensitivity setting range: 0.0001 to 4.0000 AUFS
Filter setting range
Single-wavelength: 0.1 to 5.0 seconds
Dual-wavelength: 1 to 50 seconds
Time-constant: To 5.0-second Hamming filter
Digital data rates:
1,2,5,10,20,40,80 Hz (single channel)
1,2 Hz (dual channel)
Analog output data rates (single λ mode):
10,20,40,80 Hz (channel A)
10 Hz only (channel B)
Lamp source: 30-W High Brightness Deuterium lamp, 0.5 nm aperture, pre-aligned 2000 silicon photodiodes (matched pair)
Second-order filter: Automatic for wavelengths > 370 nm
Wavelength calibration filter: Erbium filter, used at startup or on demand
Flow cell: TaperSlit flow cell design
Nitrogen purge: Purge fitting present on optics bench
Path length: 0 mm (standard analytical)
Cell volume: 10 µL (standard analytical)
Pressure limit: 6895 kPa (69 bar,1000 psi)
Materials: 316 stainless steel, fused silica, Tygon
Operating temperature: 4 to 40 °C (39 to 104 °F)
Operating humidity: 20% to <95%, noncondensing


1. With advanced programmability, dual wavelength capability, unmatched signal-to-noise performance, reduced optical bandwidth and exceptional linearity, the Waters 2487 detector provides the highest performance in UV/VIS detection for your HPLC analysis.
2. The innovative TaperSlit™ flow cell design and Lamp Optimization Software provide sensitivity to detect trace impurities combined with linear dynamic range for simultaneous quantification of major and minor components.

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