The WDA-3650 Simultaneous WDXRF Spectrometer for thin film evaluation has new functions and a low COO design, and has made a significant contribution to the process control of controlling the thickness of the metal film, film composition and element concentration.
Detector(s):S-PC, SC and F-PC Detector (PR gas required for F-PC) Principle:Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (WDXRF) X-Ray Tube:Rh Target, 4 kW max. Analysis Diameter:40 to 5 mm
Simultaneously evaluate film thickness and composition Suitable for all film types Accepts 200mm or smaller wafers and media trays High analysis performance, accuracy and stability Patented "Avoid Diffraction" function enables accurate XRF results High sensitivity boron analysis (with AD-boron channel) The available automatic calibration function provided by the optional C-to-C autoloader was previously only found on the WaferX 300 Oil-free transformer X-ray generator 23% lower power consumption than previous models