Welch 202503 Self-Cleaning Dry Vacuum System, 230 VAC, Cole-Parmer (CAT#: STEM-DS-0654-LC)


Oil-free vacuum system
Self-cleaning purge for long diaphragm life
Integral vacuum regulator

Cat Number: STEM-DS-0654-LC

Application: For use with rotary evaporator

Model: 79205-35

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The Welch Self-Cleaning Dry Vacuum System manufactured by Cole-Parmer is suitable for use with rotary evaporator. This two-stage flexible diaphragm pump is resistant to corrosive gases and the accumulation of solid residues or liquids on the diaphragm. The glass inlet separator captures the liquid and particles in the steam before the steam enters the pump. When pumping a large amount of steam, you only need to adjust the gas ballast or exhaust switch to suppress the condensation of steam inside the pump head.


Wetted Parts:PTFE
Free-Air Capacity (CFM):1
Free-Air Capacity (LPM):28.3
Free-Air Capacity (LPH):1698
Max Flow Rate (CFM):1.23
Max Flow Rate (Liters/min):35
Max Vacuum (in Hg):29.6
Max Vacuum (mbar):10.848
Max Vacuum (mm Hg):8.15999999999997
Port Size:1/4" hose barb
Max Temperature (° F):104
Max Temperature (° C):40
Duty Cycle:Continuous
Power (VAC):230
Power (amps):1.5
Power (Hz):50
Motor Type:double shaft, PSC and TEFC
Height (in):11.5
Length (in):11.875
Height (cm):29.21
Length (cm):30.16
Height (mm):292.1
Length (mm):301.6
Motor hp:1/8


Oil-free vacuum system
Self-cleaning purge for long diaphragm life
Integral vacuum regulator
Contains inlet and outlet separators

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