Wolf X-Ray Mammography Markers, Deluxe ACR Mammo Set, Hook and Loop, Wolf X-Ray Corporation (CAT#: STEM-MIE-0011-LC)


Hook and loop boards include a 24 inch strip of hook and loop tape with fastener attached to the backs of each marker.

Cat Number: STEM-MIE-0011-LC

Application: Mammography

Model: 50179

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Wolf Mammography Marker Sets manufactured by Wolf X-Ray Corporation comply with the standardized abbreviations set by the American College of Radiology (ACR) and satisfy the marking needs of mammography departments. Mammography Marker sets are available with a wide range of standard ACR markers combinations. The Wolf Mammography Markers are made of aluminum with high density lead letters.


R (red) / L (blue) / M (yellow) plus the following on individual markers:
MLO (Mediolateral Oblique)
CC (Craniocaudal)
ML (Mediolateral)
LM (Lateralmedial)
XCCL (Exaggerated Craniocaudal)
CV (Cleavage)
AT (Axillary Tail)
TAN (Tangential)
ID (Implant Displaced)
SIO (Superolateral to Inferomedial Oblique)
LMO (Lateromedial Oblique)
FB (From Below)
R (Right) only
L (Left) only
Additional markers (green) include:
RL (Roll Lateral)
RM (Roll Medial)
RS (Roll Superior)
RI (Roll Inferior)
Degrees (5, 15, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 90)


Hook and loop boards include a 24 inch strip of hook and loop tape with fastener attached to the backs of each marker.

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