The manufacturer of the 284 Arbitrary Waveform Generator and Manageris Fluke. The 284 is a highly sophisticated 12-bit arbitrary waveform generator capable of recreating virtually any waveform. The product is located in Elgin, IL, USA.
Condition: Certified Pre-owned Frequency: 16 MHz Output Channels: 4 Maximum Amplitude (into 50Ω): 10 Vpp GPIB Interface: Yes RS-232 Interface (conventional mode): Yes USB: No Ethernet: No Waveform Software: Waveform Manager Plus
40 MS/s max. sampling speed 16 MHz function generator 10 MHz pulse generator Pulse train pattern generator Arbitrary waveforms of up to 65 k points Powerful modulation capabilities Built-in trigger generators Waveform Manager Plus for Windows® software Tone switching Multiple standard waveforms recalled from internal memory RS-232 and GPIB interfaces Fluke METCAL Compatible