7693A Automatic Liquid Sampler (ALS) (CAT#: AM-LE-0392-Y)


• 150-bit sample tray can realize unattended operation for a longer time
• Simultaneous injection of two towers can double the sample analysis capacity, saving a lot of time
• Rapid sampling technology minimizes needle discrimination and facilitates the use of external standards

Cat Number: AM-LE-0392-Y

Application: Using 7693A sample preparation functions, including dilution, internal standard addition, heating, mixing and solvent addition, eliminates the differences between analysts and analysts and reduces rework.

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The 7693A Automatic Liquid Sampler (ALS) is manufactured by Agilent Technologies, which provides reliable, fast, and accurate sampling for Agilent gas chromatography and GC/MS systems. The modular design makes the autosampler expand with the scale of the laboratory.


• 150-bit sample tray can realize unattended operation for a longer time
• Simultaneous injection of two towers can double the sample analysis capacity, saving a lot of time
• Rapid sampling technology minimizes needle discrimination and facilitates the use of external standards
• Three-layer sandwich injection eliminates errors caused by manual addition of internal standards, substitutes or protective agents
• Sample heaters and mixers can significantly improve the chromatographic results of high molecular weight compounds
• Can heat the entire sample tray or cool it to below room temperature to meet laboratory needs
• Modular design allows the injector to move flexibly between gas chromatographs, or use a single injector and upgrade as needed
• Priority sample function No need to stop the current sequence when adding the next important sample
• Bar code reader allows the system to take specific measures in case of mismatch

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