The manufacturer of the Acquity SQD Single Quadrupole Detector is Waters Corporation. The Waters ACQUITY SQD combines the resolution, sensitivity, and speed of Ultra Performance technology with single quadrupole MS detection. Designed specifically for chromatographers performing UPLC/MS analysis, it offers a simple yet powerful solution for multi-tasking, fast-paced laboratory environments – with robust and reliable performance, and walk-up operation for any expertise level.
Condition: Pre-owned Mass Range: 2 to 2048 m/z Scan speed: up to 10,000 Da/s
Includes: SQD Detector Cables and connectors Roughing pump
Options: MS Sample Introduction Mass Spec Workbench Installation & Familiarization NIST / EPA / NIH Mass Spectral Library 2020
Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification In excellent condition Thoroughly cleaned Certified with warranty
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