Agilent 1260 Infinity II HPLC System with DAD, Agilent Technologies (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0818-ZJF)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0818-ZJF

Application: For High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

Model: 1260 Infinity II HPLC

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The manufacturer of the Agilent 1260 Infinity II HPLC System With DAD is Agilent Technologies.
Featuring outstanding performance and versatility, the Agilent 1260 Infinity II HPLC system meets the demands of modern analytical laboratories with its excellent performance and versatility. This system provides accurate, reliable, and reproducible results for a wide range of applications thanks to its Diode Array Detector (DAD) and Quaternary Pump.
Detection of impurities and degradation products in complex matrices is possible with the DAD detector due to its exceptional sensitivity and selectivity across the entire UV-visible spectrum. The Quaternary Pump provides excellent solvent mixing capabilities, enabling fast and accurate gradients for complex sample matrices. The pump's low delay volume also reduces peak dispersion, providing high resolution and sharp peaks.


Condition: Pre-owned
Weight: 50 kg
Dimensions: 48 × 44 × 90 cm
Sample Capacity: 132 x 2mL Vials / 36 x 6mL Vials
Column Capacity: 4
Flow Range: 0.2 to 10mL/min
System Pressure Operating Range: Up to 600 bar

Agilent 1260 Infinity II HPLC System
1260 Infinity II Solvent Tray
1260 Infinity II Quat Pump VL (G7115A)
1260 Infinity II DAD WR (G7111A)
1260 Infinity II VialSampler (G7129A)
In-House Warranty Coverage

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Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Certified with warranty

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