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Agilent 6520 Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS Spectrometer System, Agilent Technologies (CAT#: STEM-MSPO-0044-ZJF)


Attomole sensitivity
Better than 2-ppm MS mass accuracy — approaching FTMS mass accuracy
Better than 5-ppm MS/MS mass accuracy — much better than FTMS mass accuracy at fast spectral acquisition rate

Cat Number: STEM-MSPO-0044-ZJF

Application: For measuring the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of one or more molecules present in a sample

Model: Agilent 6520

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The manufacturer of the Agilent 6520 Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS Spectrometer System, Agilent Technologies is Agilent Technologies.
Refurbished Agilent 6520 Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS Spectrometer System (G6520A), dual-nebulizer electrospray ion source, vacuum pump, workstation data system (PC) and printer, MassHunter Workstation software.
The Agilent Technologies 6520 Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS redefines Q-TOF performance. With innovations like 32 Gbit/sec data sampling, high-efficiency ion optics, and temperature-stabilized ADC time-of-flight electronics, the 6520 achieves a combination of mass accuracy and resolution, sensitivity, and in-spectrum dynamic range that far exceeds that of other Q-TOF systems and orbital trapping instruments. The accuratemass Q-TOF provides the capabilities you need to profile, identify, characterize, and even quantitate samples as diverse as drug impurities, endogenous metabolites, and protein biomarkers.


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
dual-nebulizer electrospray ion source
vacuum pump
workstation data system (PC) and printer
MassHunter Workstation software
Optional: Agilent G1947B APCI source (p/n G1947B-60450)
Agilent QTOF Sigma 4 to S link assy board (p/n G2581-65401 ST1410679741)
Agilent QTOF PLX to S Unk Assy board (p/n G2581-65404 ST1380665762)
Agilent MAC 003D30E3B DB Board (p/n G1369-66500)
and Agilent PMT socket with 50 OHM burle (p/n G1959-80325)


Attomole sensitivity
Better than 2-ppm MS mass accuracy — approaching FTMS mass accuracy
Better than 5-ppm MS/MS mass accuracy — much better than FTMS mass accuracy at fast spectral acquisition rate
Tenfold improvement in in-spectra dynamic range without loss of sensitivity
Mass resolution to 20,000 — not dependent on spectral acquisition rate
Fast data acquisition ( = 10 MS/MS spectra/sec) compatible with fast LC chromatography
Broad mass range from m/z 25 to 20,000

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