The flexibility of the 1200 Infinity Series allows Agilent to offer the broadest of portfolio of liquidchromatography solutions. From method development to high-throughput LC/MS and from 2D-LC toonline SPE, the 1200 Infinity Series gives you infinite possibilities to solve your separation challenges. Includes: Agilent Technologies G1330B FC/ALS Therm AutoSampler Thermostat Agilent Technologies G1329A ALS Standard AutoSampler Agilent Technologies G1316A TCC Thermostatted Column Compartment Agilent Technologies G1314B VWD Variable Wavelength Detector Agilent Technologies G1311A Quaternary Pump Agilent Technologies G1322A Degasser Agilent Technologies Reservoir Tray
Condition: Used CE Marked: YES Type of Detector for HPLC: VARIABLE WAVELENGTH Second Detector: NO DETECTOR Third Detector: NO DETECTOR Type of Pump for HPLC: QUATERNARY Voltage: 100-120/220-240 VOLTS Frequency: 50/60 HERTZ Current: 260, 300, 320, 220, 180 VA Dimensions: Standard Overall: 17 x 18 x 38 IN - 300 LBS
Agilent Technologies 1200 HPLC System with VWD, 100-240 VOLTS, Agilent Technologies (CAT#-STEM-CPO-0011-LJX) Dionex Ultimate 3000 UHPLC System with DAD, 100-240 VOLTS, Dionex Corporation (CAT#-STEM-CPO-0005-LJX) Agilent Technologies 1200 HPLC System with DAD and 1290 Thermostat, 100-240 VOLTS, Agilent Technologies (CAT#-STEM-CPO-0007-LJX) Agilent Technologies 1200 HPLC System with DAD and 1290 Thermostat, 50/60 HERTZ, Agilent Technologies (CAT#-STEM-CPO-0008-LJX) Agilent Technologies 1200 HPLC System with DAD, 100-240 VOLTS, Agilent Technologies (CAT#-STEM-CPO-0009-LJX) Agilent Technologies 1200 HPLC System with DAD, 50/60 HERTZ, 50/60 HERTZ (CAT#-STEM-CPO-0010-LJX)