Acrodose PL System (CAT#: AM-FBE-0004-LC)


Significantly improve platelet utilization
Leverage untapped resources
Take advantage of growth opportunities in blood centers

Cat Number: AM-FBE-0004-LC

Application: Leukoreduction – Leukotrap RC System is the only closed system which is able to produce leukoreduced CP2D whole blood platelets. It is designed to be used with the Acrodose PL System

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Acrodose PLus System is designed to produce a whole blood-derived platelet product that is clinically equivalent to a single donor platelet.


Significantly improve platelet utilization
Leverage untapped resources
Take advantage of growth opportunities in blood centers
Reduce hospital treatment costs
Reduce unit risk due to antibody-mediated TRALI (acute lung infection associated with blood transfusion)

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