MEL 80™ Excimer Laser (CAT#: AM-IA-0001-LC)


MEL 80 extremely rapid ablation time shortens surgical time and improves patient comfort
Reduced matrix exposure time is helpful for rapid visual recovery
Minimal point of 0.7 mm allows for the finest correction without losing the advantadge of smooth ablation

Cat Number: AM-IA-0001-LC

Application: Make correction of vision defects

Model: MEL 80

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MEL 80 provides a safer, patient-friendly and more personalized method to make correction of vision defects. All parameters of this ultra-modern work platform are designed to increase efficiency, achieve optimal treatment results and quickly restore vision. The critical factors are the extremely rapid ablation, the personalized treatment plan using the optional CRS-Master, the high-performance eye tracker system and the "Eye Registration" torsion compensation system.


Laser size
Width: 31.5 in.
Depth: 61.0 in.
Height: 58.7 in.


MEL 80 extremely rapid ablation time shortens surgical time and improves patient comfort
Reduced matrix exposure time is helpful for rapid visual recovery
Minimal point of 0.7 mm allows for the finest correction without losing the advantadge of smooth ablation
Choice of two specially optimized ablation profiles helps you produce excellent results
The active eye tracker with fast feedback times and the ultra-fast IR camera that captures the pupil and limbus simultaneously, provide precise positioning during laser treatment

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