Epic™ Stented Tissue Valve with Linx™ AC Technology (CAT#: AM-IA-1027-LC)


Soft cuffs provide limited suture resistance and parachuting force
Symmetrical triple composite design eliminates septal muscle leaflet and requirement for orientation
Flexible polymer stent enhances maneuverability durinhg implantation

Cat Number: AM-IA-1027-LC

Application: Epic™ Stented Tissue Valve with Linx™ AC Technology is used to replace a diseased, injured or malfunctioning natural and/ or prosthetic aortic and / or mitral heart valve.

Model: E100-25M-00

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Epic™ Stented Tissue Valve with Linx™ AC Technology are carefully designed to provide outstanding durability, excellent performance and smooth, streamlined implantability.
The Epic Mitral valve has the lowest overall ventricular protrusion among all valve sizes and is an optimal option for mitral valve position. Becaused of low profile, Epic heart valves reduces the potential risk of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, avoids requiring specific orientation during implantation, and is easy to implant during minimally invasive surgery (MIS)


Valve size (mm): 25
Tissue annulus diameter (mm): 25
Interal diamter (mm): 23
Ventricular protrusion (mm): 9
Total height (mm): 16


Soft cuffs provide limited suture resistance and parachuting force
Symmetrical triple composite design eliminates septal muscle leaflet and requirement for orientation
Flexible polymer stent enhances maneuverability durinhg implantation
Unique pericardial shield provides tissue-to-tissue interface to help prevent danger of wear
2 * 10 second rinse time reduces program preparation time
Ratcheting holder reduces the likelihood for suture looping

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