GORE® ACUSEAL Vascular Graft (CAT#: AM-IA-1053-LC)


Early cannulation: Cannulate within 24 hours with the advanced on-label early cannulation graft to remove CVC or avoid the use of CVC
Reduction of infections: 49% reduction in the risk of fatal infections caused by CVC complications
Reduction of total care cost: Reduce the costs of treatment of CVC sepsis by removing CVC early

Cat Number: AM-IA-1053-LC

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The GORE® ACUSEAL Vascular Graft can remove or avoid the use of a central venous catheter (CVC) earlier, giving your hemodialysis patient another option.


Internal diameter (mm): 6
Standard length (cm): 10


Early cannulation: Cannulate within 24 hours with the advanced on-label early cannulation graft to remove CVC or avoid the use of CVC
Reduction of infections: 49% reduction in the risk of fatal infections caused by CVC complications
Reduction of total care cost: Reduce the costs of treatment of CVC sepsis by removing CVC early

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