Analysis of DRD4 Gene (Mutation) by RT-qPCR (CAT#: STEM-MT-2219-LGZ)


Official Full Name: dopamine receptor D4
Also known as: D4DR
This gene encodes the D4 subtype of the dopamine receptor. The D4 subtype is a G-protein coupled receptor which inhibits adenylyl cyclase. It is a target for drugs which treat schizophrenia and Parkinson disease. Mutations in this gene have been associated with various behavioral phenotypes, including autonomic nervous system dysfunction, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and the personality trait of novelty seeking. This gene contains a polymorphic number (2-10 copies) of tandem 48 nt repeats; the sequence shown contains four repeats.


Quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) is an experimental method applied to PCR experiments using RNA as the starting material. In this method, total or messenger RNA (mRNA) is first transcribed into complementary DNA (cDNA) by reverse transcriptase. Subsequently, qPCR reaction was performed using cDNA as template.


Gene mutation analysis.


1. Sample processing and preparation of PCR reaction system.
2. Add the amplification template, cover the PCR reaction cover, mix well, centrifuge at low speed instantaneously, and transfer to the PCR instrument.
3. Set the program for PCR amplification.
4. Data analysis.


Sample: depends on the customer's analysis requirements