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Andor Technology iXon Ultra 897 EX EMCCD Microscope Camera, Andor (CAT#: STEM-M-1347-LGZ)


1. The iXon Ultra 897 platform is overclocked to read 17 MHz, while single-photon sensitivity and quantitative stability are still maintained.
2. The new optical center crop mode unlocks unparalleled frame rate performance from center-positioned ROIs, ideal for special speed and sensitivity requirements that are super-resolution microscopy.
3. The iXon Ultra maintains all the advanced performance attributes of the industry-leading iXon series, such as deep vacuum cooling to -100 °C, extremely low spurious noise, and Andor's patented EM Gain Recalibration Technology (EMCA™).

Cat Number: STEM-M-1347-LGZ

Application: For the particular speed and sensitivity requirements of super-resolution microscopy.

Model: iXon Ultra 897 EX

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The manufacturer of Andor Technology iXon Ultra 897 EX EMCCD Microscope Camera is Andor. Model is iXon Ultra 897 EX. Sensor Type: Back-illuminated, EX2 dual AR coated.


Condition: used
Active Pixels: 512 x 512
Pixel Size: 16 x 16 μm
Image Area: 8.2 x 8.2 mm with 100% fill factor
Thermostatic Precision: ± 0.01 °C
Triggering: Internal, External, External Start, External Exposure, Software Trigger
Digitization: 16-bit (at all speeds)
PC Interface: USB 2.0
Lens Mount: C-mount
Direct Data Access: Camera Link 3-tap output
Dark Current and Background Events•4,5
Dark Current (e-/pixel/sec) @ -80°C: 0.00030
Dark Current (e-/pixel/sec) @ Max Cooling: 0.00015
Spurious Background (events/pix) @ 1000x gain / -85 °C: 0.0018
Active Area Pixel Well Depth: 180,000 e-
Gain Register Pixel Well Depth•76: 800,000 e-
Linear Absolute Electron Multiplier Gain: 1 - 1000 times via RealGain™ (calibration stable at all cooling temperatures)
Linearity•8: Better than 99.9%
Vertical Clock Speed: 0.3 to 3.33 μs (user selectable)
Timestamp Accuracy: 10 ns


1. The iXon Ultra 897 platform is overclocked to read 17 MHz, while single-photon sensitivity and quantitative stability are still maintained.
2. The new optical center crop mode unlocks unparalleled frame rate performance from center-positioned ROIs, ideal for special speed and sensitivity requirements that are super-resolution microscopy.
3. The iXon Ultra maintains all the advanced performance attributes of the industry-leading iXon series, such as deep vacuum cooling to -100 °C, extremely low spurious noise, and Andor's patented EM Gain Recalibration Technology (EMCA™).
4. The Count Convert function allows real-time data acquisition in units of electrons or incident photons, and OptAcquire facilitates one-click optimization of this versatile camera to meet various application conditions.

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