Celsis Advance Luminometer, Berthold Technologies GmbH & Co. KG (CAT#: STEM-GLEPO-0005-ZJF)


Runs up to 120 assays per hour
Simultaneously tests multiple sample batches or protocols in a single run
Offline incubation maximizes system throughput

Cat Number: STEM-GLEPO-0005-ZJF

Application: Reveal the presence of ATP-containing microbes in product samples,

Model: Celsis Advance

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The Celsis Advance Luminometer is manufactured by Berthold Technologies GmbH & Co. KG.
The Berthold Celsis Advance Luminometer is a bench-top instrument with high system throughput. Three variable-volume reagent injectors improve accuracy, reduce sample handling and increase flexibility, so you can combine multiple batches or protocols in a single run, testing up to 120 samples per hour.
Rapid microbial screening systems use ATP bioluminescence and sensitive light instruments called luminometers to reveal the presence of ATP-containing microbes in product samples. If present, the result will be an emission of light in proportion to the amount of ATP present in the sample. Because ATP is only present in living organisms Celsis Advance. All pharmaceuticals, home care, cleaning, personal care and cosmetics, plus some beverages and syrups are appropriate for the Advance system.
The pre-owned products will be thoroughly cleaned and fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications before shipping.


Condition: Certified Pre-Owned


Runs up to 120 assays per hour
Simultaneously tests multiple sample batches or protocols in a single run
Offline incubation maximizes system throughput
Small footprint conserves valuable counter space
Three variable-volume reagent injectors offer greater automation for improved accuracy, less sample handling and increased "walkaway" time
Designed for industry and manufactured to ISO standards
Reduces lab waste by reducing the use of media, plates and jars; saves water and energy

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