Perkin Elmer LS 50 B Luminescence Spectrometer, 120V, 1.25 Amps (CAT#: STEM-SPO-0094-YJL)


Computer-Controlled Unit
Measures Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, Chemiluminescence and Bioluminescence
Pulse Rate, Delay and Gate Times Can Be Varied

Cat Number: STEM-SPO-0094-YJL

Application: For fluorescence, phosphorescence, and chemiluminescence assays

Model: LS50B

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Perkin Elmer LS 50 B Luminescence Spectrometer, 120V, 1.25 Amps, model LS50B, is manufactured by PerkinElmer.
The Perkin Elmer LS-50B Luminescence Spectrometer offers versatility, reliability, and ease-of-use in a single instrument developed to address a wide variety of bioanalytical research applications.
The LS-50B luminescence spectrophotometer provides flexibility and affordability in a single integrated workstation for fluorescence, phosphorescence, and chemiluminescence assays. Used in a wide variety of applications from routine sample analysis in a microplate to new assay development, the LS-50B is a highly versatile instrument for solving many challenges in the bioresearch laboratory. Offering a variety of sample formats, intuitive software and a host of computer controlled accessories, bioresearchers can enjoy the unique combination of sensitivity, selectivity, and versatility which are essential for successful results in the life sciences.
By simply using the interchangeable sample accessories for single cell, multi-cell, or 96-well microplates, the user can easily move from development to routine assay performance, collecting the necessary data and analyzing the results with confidence. Depending on the nature of your results, the LS-50B can be used in many modes of operation, allowing you to proceed in obtaining the results you need to advance your research.


Condition: Used
Electrical: 120V, 50/60Hz, 1.25 Amps
Wavelength Accuracy: ± 1.0 nm
Wavelength Reproducibility: ± 0.5 nm
Scanning Speed: 10-1500 nm/min.
Input Voltage: 120V


Computer-Controlled Unit
Measures Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, Chemiluminescence and Bioluminescence
Pulse Rate, Delay and Gate Times Can Be Varied
Xenon Flash Lamp, Pulsed at Line Frequency
Delay and Date Time Can Be Varied to Measure Phosphorescence

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