Droplet Generator DG32, Pilot Gene Technology (CAT#: STEM-PCRE-0105-LKN)

Cat Number: STEM-PCRE-0105-LKN

Application: Preparation and generation of digital PCR samples.

Model: DG32

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Droplet Generator DG32 from Pilot Gene Technology is a desktop automatic digital PCR sample preparation instrument. It is equipped with a self-developed chip, which can quickly prepare and generate digital PCR samples. This product is a companion product in the digital PCR system and provides analytical samples for subsequent experiments on digital PCR. It can not only separate single cells by emulsified droplets, but also perform digital PCR by emulsifying droplets. Various pathogen detection and genetic analysis for the purpose of detecting DNA or RNA.


Repeat positioning accuracy:>99.9%
Loading rate: 100%
Loading accuracy: 30±1nL
Sensitivity error: <1%
Loading positioning error: <0.3mm

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