High-Sensitivity PTR-QMS 500 Online VOC Detector, Ionicon Analytik Ges.m.b.H. (CAT#: STEM-LE-0042-LC)


Market-leading ultra low detection limit of < 1 pptv
Highest precursor ions yields for commercial PTR-MS systems
Real-time VOC quantification

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0042-LC

Application: Real-time monitor for volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

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The high-sensitivity PTR-QMS 500 continuously quantifies VOC continuously at the lowest concentration and even comes into contact with the ppqv-regime. In terms of detection limit, highest sensitivity and precursor ion yield, PTR-QMS 500 is our best product. All IONICON PTR-MS instruments can directly perform complete air sampling without preparation, directly process and perform absolute quantification of volatile compounds in real time.


Resolution: <1 amu
Mass Analyzer: Quadrupole MS
Mass Range: 1 to 512 amu
Response Time: 100 msec


Market-leading ultra low detection limit of < 1 pptv
Highest precursor ions yields for commercial PTR-MS systems
Real-time VOC quantification
Soft ionization technique - low fragmentation
Rapid and direct sample injection

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