The Shandon Histocentre 3 is a two-piece modular organizational embed center. Equipped with its smart and automated features, the Tissue Center highly improves the workflow of the Tissue Lab, increasing overall productivity.
The Shandon Histocentre 3 embedded system comes with an excellent embedded module, easy to use touch screen display and a low profile work surface. Digitally controlled with a smart timer, when you arrive at work, the unit is warmed up and ready to use, and at the end of the day, it automatically shuts off. Another system property is the auto-light setting, which is used to automatically illuminate when dispensing paraffin. The light turns off when inserted.
The Shandon Histocentre 3 has been designed with operator comfort in mind. The system features an easy-drain tissue reservoir, which reduces specimen contamination and makes cleaning easy. The large storage tank features a removable lid. The paraffin tank for the histoccentre 3 has a fast melting capacity of 5 liters. Waste wax is stored and then drained through a valve and hose for easy, clean disposal.
The cold plate modules of the Shandon Histocentre 3 also have a low-profile work surface. Along with a quiet refrigeration system, this module also has a large 14" x 16" cold surface to accommodate approximately 72 standard 2" x 1.5" molds. In less than 30 minutes, the block reaches the desired temperature and remains at ±5°C.