Identification of the collar-like structure of the 30S ribosomal subunit from E. coli by dark-field microscopy (CAT#: STEM-MIT-0344-LJX)


In prokaryotes, the selection of the start codon depends on the interaction between the small subunit of the ribosome and the mRNA template. The 30S subunit binds to a purine-rich mRNA template immediately upstream of the correct start codon. This region is called the SD sequence (Shine-Dalgarno sequence), which complements a pyrimidine-rich region at the 3' end of 16S rRNA. During initiation complex formation, these complementary nucleotides pair to form double-stranded RNA structures that allow mRNA to bind to the ribosome, resulting in initiation codon localization at the P site of the ribosome.


The main difference between a dark field microscope and an ordinary microscope is the way of illumination. It illuminates the specimen with a strong, narrow, slanted beam without letting the beam enter the objective lens. When no light enters the objective lens, the field of view is dark, so it is called dark field microscope. However, because the particles in the specimen can scatter light after being illuminated by light, when the scattered light enters the objective lens, the scattered light spots of the particles can be seen in the microscope, as if the particles themselves were glowing. This is just as in a dark room, through a small hole in the wall of a strong beam of sunlight, we can see the presence of dust in the light path. This phenomenon, in optics, is known as the Dundar phenomenon. The dark-field microscope is designed according to this principle.


For observing microorganisms, colloid chemistry, single-celled organisms, and objects with linear structure
Unsuitable for observing stained specimens


1. Sample preparation
2. Assembly and adjustment of dark field microscope
3. Observation


• Sample Type:
A fragment of the small (30S) subunit of the E. coli ribosome


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