Integrated Scintillation Performance Measurement System

The scintillation performance comprehensive measurement system is a multi-parameter acquisition system for scintillation materials based on nuclear physics fast electronics technology. The instrument uses Windows interface software to control and collect data, and uses a program based on big data special analysis software PAW to analyze the obtained data in detail offline. The system can accurately measure scintillation emission down to 4 p.e. / MeV (photoelectron / megaelectron volt) and decay time of over 500 ps.

Technical Indicators:

1. Light output parameter measurement index

Minimum light output: 4p.e. / MeV (~30photons/MeV)

Maximum light output: unlimited

Systematic error of light output measurement: < 1% (BGO, LYSO)

Temperature stability: 0.01% / ℃ (0 ~ 50℃)

2. Measurement indicators of sub-nanosecond scintillation decay kinetic parameters

Using a single energy gamma particle as the excitation source (such as the 662 KeV gamma particle of Cs-137)

Flicker dynamics measurement range: 500 ps ~ 5 us

Scintillation kinetics measurement accuracy: ± 3% (LYSO, BGO)


  • For measuring light output, sub-nanosecond scintillation decay kinetics (decay time) of scintillation materials, etc.

Instrument and Result Display

Instrument and Result Display

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For more information about our integrated scintillation performance measurement system testing services, please contact us.

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