fficient disinfection of root canal system is highly dependent on the ability of irrigants to penetrate dentin and its tubules [1]. The capability of irrigants to access apical third of the root canal system as well as penetration to dentinal tubules mainly depends on the irrigants’ characteristics such as dynamic viscosity and surface tension. Dynamic viscosity is the resistance exhibited by a liquid as it is being reshaped by shear or tensile stresses; hence, less viscosity allows the fluid to flow easier.
Irrigation solutions can affect surface properties of dentin such as wetting ability, which in turn can influence the adhesion of bacteria and regulate the interaction between dentin and restorative materials. In recent years, interest in the use of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) as root canal irrigants or medicaments has developed in dentistry especially in endodontics. These particles appear to prevent the development of resistance by the organisms because of their rapid reaction between the target cells and them. They are highly active against bacteria while compatible to human cells.