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Metrohm 815 Robotic Titration Soliprep, Metrohm USA (CAT#: STEM-LE-0396-LC)


High sample volume and big sample quantity
Parallel working
Automatic liquid pipetting

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0396-LC

Application: For titration, IC and VA applications

Model: Metrohm 815

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The Robotic USB Sample Processor XL featuring a workstation and a built-in membrane pump can automatically process a large number of routine samples and is used for complex sample preparation or parallel operation. In addition to the built-in pump, another pump (membrane or peristaltic pump) and up to three dosing devices can be connected for liquid handling works.


High sample volume and big sample quantity
Parallel working
Automatic liquid pipetting
Karl Fischer automation
Automatic sample preparation
Two external workstations