Nikon Eclipse 80i High End Research/Fluorescence Microscope, Nikon (CAT#: STEM-M-1323-LGZ)


1. The microscope is configured for transmitted light imaging, differential interference contrast (DIC) and epifluorescence modes.
2. The microscope is equipped with an epifluorescence accessory and 4 fluorescence filter cubes (DAPI, FITC, Texas Red, YFP), swapping is easy and different combinations can be created.
3. This microscope is not motorized.

Cat Number: STEM-M-1323-LGZ

Application: For basic laboratory use or as a student microscope for educational purposes.

Model: Eclipse 80i

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The manufacturer of Nikon Eclipse 80i High End Research/Fluorescence Microscope is Nikon. Model is Eclipse 80i. The Nikon Eclipse 80i is a fixed-stage upright microscope for basic fluorescence imaging that requires a high signal-to-noise ratio, producing high-quality fluorescence images.


Condition: used
Head: Trinocular Head
Eyepieces: 10x Superwidefield Adjustable
Nosepiece: Quintiple
Focusing:Coaxial coarse & fine adjustment
Stage: XY Mechanical Stage
Objectives: Plan Fluor 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 100x Oil
6 Position Fluorescence Illuminator
Mercury Power Supply & Lamphouse
DAPI, FITC, TRITC Filter Cubes
Condenser:1.25 N.A.
Light Source:Halogen Illumination

Model Eclipse 80i Motorized Microscope
Mechanical Stage
(2) CFI10X/22 eyepieces
Plan Fluor 10x
Plan Fluor 100x OIL
Motorized Filter Wheel
Red, Green, Blue cubes
RETIGA 2000R Q-Imaging Digital Camera

Additional Objectives and Configurations Available. Cameras are also available.


1. The microscope is configured for transmitted light imaging, differential interference contrast (DIC) and epifluorescence modes.
2. The microscope is equipped with an epifluorescence accessory and 4 fluorescence filter cubes (DAPI, FITC, Texas Red, YFP), swapping is easy and different combinations can be created.
3. This microscope is not motorized.

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