The Photo-DSC F1 Phoenix® – Differential Photocalorimeter usually operates in the temperature range of -100°C to 200°C, and usually uses a combination of thermal curing and photocuring reactions. The differential calorimeter has a gas tightness measurement unit, and the purge gas control is adjusted by a mass flow controller (MFC). DSC® differential photometer's modified automatic lid-lifting device ensure the defined distance between the two light conductors and the sample and reference. This achieves high reproducibility of measurement results. For conventional DSC analysis above 200°C, the standard lid-lifting device can be modified, or manual lid-lifting can be used without problems. For high sample throughput or repeated measurements, we recommend using our automatic sample changer (ASC) to process up to 64 samples.
Temperature Range:-100 °C to 200 °C Wavelength Range:315 to 500 nm Lamp Type:DELOLUX 04 (Hg) Principle:Heat-Flux DSC Irradiation Time:0.1 to 1000 sec. Heating / Cooling Rates:0.01 to 20 K/min (Heating) Cooling Rate:0.01 K/min to 100 K/min Heating Rate:0.01 to 20 K/min