Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is an andean grain with more than 3,000 ecotypes recognized for its exceptional nutritional properties. Quinoa is consumed as whole grain or after different processing methods (e.g. extrusion), but it is also milled to produce high-value flour, which is susceptible to adulteration. This service provides a rapid and simple capillary electrophoresis-ultraviolet adsorption diode array detection (CE-UV-DAD) method to obtain characteristic multiwavelength electrophoretic profiles of protein extracts from different quinoa grain varieties (black, red, white from Peru and royal white from Bolivia). Then, advanced chemometric methods (i.e. multivariate curve resolution alternating least squares, MCR-ALS, followed by principal component analysis, PCA, and partial least squares discriminant analysis, PLS-DA) are applied to deconvolute the components present in the CE-UV-DAD electropherograms and classify the different quinoa varieties according to their differential protein composition.