Shamrock 163 Imaging Spectrograph, Slit Widths from 10 µm to 200 µm, Andor Technology (CAT#: STEM-LE-1470-Y)


Compact and sturdy design, with horizontal and vertical installation positions;
Various fixed slits;
Imaging configuration platform for multitrack spectrometer;

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1470-Y

Application: Shamrock 163 is the most compact research-grade Czerny-Turner spectrometer on the market.

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The Shamrock 163 Imaging Spectrograph is manufactured by Andor Technology. Its 163mm focal length, high F/3.6 aperture, and a wide range of seamless interchangeable gratings, slits and optical coupling accessories make it an ideal tool for general desktop spectroscopy.


Type: Czerny-Turner Spectrograph
Resolution: 0.17 to 2.0 nm
Detector(s): iDus CCD detector
Focal Length: 163 mm
Aperture: F/3.6
Slit Width: 10 to 200 um (fixed) or 10 um to 3 mm (adjustable/manual)


Compact and sturdy design, with horizontal and vertical installation positions;
Various fixed slits;
Imaging configuration platform for multitrack spectrometer;
A wide range of interchangeable gratings;
A large number of optical coupling interface options;
Calibrated micrometer drive for wavelength selection;
Can be used with a variety of cameras:-including-CCD, EMCCD and ICCD;

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