Shimadzu UVmini-1240 Spectrophotometer UV/Vis Reader, Shimadzu Excellence in Science (CAT#: STEM-S-1443-LGZ)


1. The powerful performance of quantitative methods.
2. From simple concentration measurements to complex quantitative calibration curves.
3. Some standard functions include:

Cat Number: STEM-S-1443-LGZ

Application: For photometric measurements, spectrum scans, quantitative determinations and DNA/Protein analysis.

Model: UVmini-1240

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The manufacturer of Shimadzu UVmini-1240 Spectrophotometer UV/Vis Reader is Shimadzu Excellence in Science. Model is UVmini-1240. A large liquid crystal display (LCD) has been combined with easy-to-follow prompts, large fonts and graphics, reducing the time required to obtain results. Descriptions on the instrument's soft keyboard quickly guide you through specific procedures.


Condition: used
Site Requirements

Dimensions (W x D x H): 416 × 379 × 274mm
Weight: 11 kg
Ambient temperature: 15 to 35 °C
Ambient humidity: 45 to 80%, less than 70% if over 30 °C
Power supply: 100~120 V 50/60 Hz 160 VA ; 220~240 V 50/60 Hz 160 VA
Performance Specifications:

Spectrum bandwidth: 5 nm
Wavelength accuracy: ± 1.0 nm
Wavelength repeatability: ± 0.3 nm
Stray light: less than 0.05% (220.0 nm Nal, 340.0 nm NaNO2 & UV39)
Photometric range: −3.99 to 3.99 Abs (absorbance) ; 0.0 to 200% (transmittance)
Recording range: −3.99 to 3.99 Abs (absorbance) ; −399 to 399% (transmittance)
Photometric accuracy: ± 0.005 Abs (at 1.0 Abs) ; ± 0.003 Abs (at 0.5 Abs)
Photometric repeatability: ± 0.002 Abs (at 1.0 Abs)
Drift: less than ± 0.001 Abs/h (after 2 hr warm-up)
Baseline flatness: ± 0.010 Abs (after 1 hr warm-up, at 1100 to 200 nm)
Noise: less than 0.002 Abs, Peak to Peak / less than 0.0005 Abs, RMS
Optical Design

Wavelength range: 190.0 to 1100.0 nm
Display wavelength: 0.1nm step
Selectable wavelength: 0.1 nm step (1 nm step in spectrum mode)
Scan speed: ± 3800 nm/min (wavelength change) ; ± 24 to 1400 nm/min (scan)
Light source change: Auto change with wavelength ; halogen lamp only ; deuterium (D2) lamp only
Measurement method: single beam measurement
Monochromator: incorporates aberration-corrected concave blazed holographic grating
Detector: silicon photodiode


1. The powerful performance of quantitative methods.
2. From simple concentration measurements to complex quantitative calibration curves.
3. Some standard functions include:
1). Factor method for simple constant input.
2). One point calibration curve with one standard sample and one point through the origin.
3). The application of multi-point calibration curve requires various standards. Calibrated 1st, 2nd, and 3rd order polynomial padding is standard.
4). Two or three wavelength quantitative analysis to measure turbid samples or to measure the effect of another distinguishable component.

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