SPECTROstar Nano Microplate Reader, Full UV/Vis spectrum Less Than 1 sec/Well, BMG LABTECH (CAT#: STEM-MR-0021-LKN)

Cat Number: STEM-MR-0021-LKN

Application: For absorbance microplate reading.

Model: SPECTROstar Nano

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SPECTROstar Nano Microplate Reader is manufactured by BMG LABTECH, This product is an innovative, flexible and high-speed absorbance microplate reader, which provides quick and easy measurement in two microplates or through the built-in cuvette port. It can capture the complete UV/Visible spectrum in less than 1 second/well. In addition, It has the ability to store individual measurement procedures.


Detection Modes: UV/vis absorbance spectra.
Microplate Formats:
6 to 1536-well plates, user-definable,
LVis Plate with 16 low-volume microspots (2 μL).
Light Sources: High energy xenon flash lamp.
Wavelength Selection:
UV/vis absorbance spectrometer,
Full spectra or 8 distinct wavelengths in < 1 sec / well.
Spectral Range: 220 - 1000 nm.
Read Times: Full spectrum from 220 to 1000 nm in less than 1 sec/well.

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