Single Specific Primer PCR (SSP-PCR) (CAT#: STEM-MB-0218-WXH)


amplification of DNA fragments from both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The only requirement for amplification is that the sequence of the extremities of the DNA fragment to be amplified be known. This places a limitation on the use of PCR in the amplification ofadjacent unknown regions. A method has been developed that allows the amplification of double-stranded DNA even when the sequence information is available at one end only. This method, the single specific primer PCR (SSP-PCR), permits amplification of genes for which only a partial sequence information is available, and allows unidirectional genome walking from known into unknown regions of the chromosome.
The feature of SSP-PCR that makes it unique as compared to other published procedures for amplifying unknown regions is its ability to generate a genomic library.


SSP-PCR is based on the principle that recombinant Taq DNA polymerase is more specific for the oligonucleotide primers that completely match the target gene.


• Unidirectional movement into unknown regions for routine cloning and sequencing.
• Deletion, duplication, insertion, and recombination mutations.
• The analysis of intron-exon junctions in eukaryotic genomic DNA.
• Enhancing immunohematology typings.
• Molecular genetic blood group typing.
• HLA Tissue Typing.


1.DNA isolation
2.Restriction and ligation to the generic oligomer
4.Testing for the product and specificity