Study of DNA by Linear dichroism (LD) (CAT#: STEM-ST-0107-WXH)


DNA is made of two linked strands that wind around each other to resemble a twisted ladder — a shape known as a double helix. Each strand has a backbone made of alternating sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate groups.
Linear dichroism provides information on the orientation of chromophores part of, or bound to, an orientable molecule such as DNA.


Linear dichroism (LD) or diattenuation is the difference between absorption of light polarized parallel and polarized perpendicular to an orientation axis. It is the property of a material whose transmittance depends on the orientation of linearly polarized light incident upon it. LD measurements are based on the interaction between matter and light and thus are a form of electromagnetic spectroscopy.


Study the functionality and structure of molecules.


• Polarizer
• Absorbance spectrometer