Waters 1525 HPLC Pump, Waters Corporation (CAT#: STEM-C-0095-LGZ)


1. Extended Flow (EF) head extends flow range up to 22.50 mL/min using 10 to 19 mm I.D. columns.
2. 1500 Series column heaters have a temperature range of 20 to 60°C to maintain accurate, consistent column temperatures.
3. Integrated vacuum degasser to remove dissolved gases from the mobile phase for improved performance and reliability.

Cat Number: STEM-C-0095-LGZ

Application: For HPLC system.

Model: 1525

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The manufacturer of Waters 1525 HPLC Pump is Waters Corporation. Model is 1525. The 1525 and 1525 of the EF head are integrated, high pressure, binary HPLC pumps with on-board pulse damping and efficient mixing. Their pulse-free solvent flow rates, from analytical to semi-preparative, make them ideal for highly sensitive detectors.


Condition: used
Flow-rate range: 0.00 to 10.00 mL/min in 0.01 mL increments
2 to 4.6 mm I.D. columns


1. Extended Flow (EF) head extends flow range up to 22.50 mL/min using 10 to 19 mm I.D. columns.
2. 1500 Series column heaters have a temperature range of 20 to 60°C to maintain accurate, consistent column temperatures.
3. Integrated vacuum degasser to remove dissolved gases from the mobile phase for improved performance and reliability.
4. Automatic seal wash helps extend reliable operating life of primary seals.
5. FlexInject Manual Dual Injector Module for Analytical and Semi-Preparative Injections.

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