331 Pump, Primary Solvent, Gilson (CAT#: STEM-DS-1690-LC)


Flow rates: 0.5 mL/min to 50 mL/min
Pressures: up to 8700 psi (600 bar)

Cat Number: STEM-DS-1690-LC

Application: Semi-Preparative HPLC

Model: 331

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The 331/332 Pumps manufactured by Gilson are dual-piston, multi-solvent pumps with an optional four-solvent valve designed to be integrated in Gilson's semi-preparative HPLC systems. The 333/334 Pumps are suitable for preparative HPLC applications in normal and reverse-phase modes. The pumps come with a variable-volume, dynamic mixer to improve gradient performance.


The pump process milligram-level of sample mass throughput of each injection at>50 mg with a 20 mm ID column.
Keypad controls include safety files, anomaly processing procedures, and GLP functions.
TRILUTION® software provides data processing and results reporting within a complete prep workstation.


Flow rates: 0.5 mL/min to 50 mL/min
Pressures: up to 8700 psi (600 bar)

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