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6230B Time of Flight (TOF) LC/MS (CAT#: AM-LE-0090-Y)


• Characterize large molecular biological compounds with a wide mass range of up to 20,000 m/z
• Mass accuracy is better than 1 ppm, effectively reducing false positive results
• Use the molecular formula search function in MassHunter software to identify compounds based on precise mass, isotope abundance and chemical composition

Cat Number: AM-LE-0090-Y

Application: 6230B HPLC TOF can provide you with full spectrum data for screening, analysis and identification of small molecules, biological macromolecules and all molecules with molecular weights in between, ideal for applications such as drug development, toxicology research and complete protein analysis.

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6230B Time of Flight (TOF) LC/MS is manufactured by Agilent Technologies, enabling you to upgrade from unit mass determination to accurate mass determination to achieve more reliable compound identification than traditional LC/MS detection.


• Characterize large molecular biological compounds with a wide mass range of up to 20,000 m/z
• Mass accuracy is better than 1 ppm, effectively reducing false positive results
• Use the molecular formula search function in MassHunter software to identify compounds based on precise mass, isotope abundance and chemical composition
• Achieve high-quality numerical accuracy analysis of monoclonal antibodies (mAb), with excellent glycoform and truncation separation capabilities
• Not limited to UHPLC separation, supports capillary electrophoresis, SFC, 2D-LC, and even GC-APCI chromatography interface
• Use intuitive MassHunter Walkup software to reduce management tasks
• High-resolution data can separate target compounds from interference
• Accurate identification of trace target compounds in high-abundance matrix compounds
• Use in-source induced dissociation for non-targeted screening with optional fragment ion data

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