Agilent 1260 Infinity Series- G1311B HPLC Quaternary Pump, Agilent Technologies (CAT#: STEM-C-0082-LGZ)


1. This multifunctional and high -reliable pump provides a flow of up to 10 mL/minute and the pressure is as high as 600 bar.
2. It is suitable for providing higher resolution and faster separation with smaller particle size columns.
3. It almost maintains without pulse, mixed with good and stable solvent flowing.

Cat Number: STEM-C-0082-LGZ

Application: For HPLC system.

Model: 1260 Infinity Series- G1311B

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The manufacturer of Agilent 1260 Infinity Series- G1311B HPLC Quaternary Pump is Agilent Technologies. Model is 1260 Infinity Series- G1311B. The Agellen 1260 Infinite High -efficiency liquid chromatography G1311B Quaternary Pump is based on dual -channel, dual -column plugs series design, including all basic functions that the solvent delivery system must implement. From the four separate solvents channels, the gradient is generated through low -voltage mixes. G1311B ensures almost no pulse and stable solvent flow through the volume of variable strokes. The measurement solvent and transport to the high -pressure side are performed by a pump component, which can produce up to 600 bar pressure. The solvent was completed by the integrated four -channel vacuum air -offer in the quaternary pump. The solvent composition is generated on the low -voltage side through a high -speed pairing valve.


Condition: used
The maximum pressure: 600 bar
Flow range: up to 10 mL/min
Materials: tainless steel, titanium, gold, ruby, sapphire, ceramics, PEEK and PTFE


1. This multifunctional and high -reliable pump provides a flow of up to 10 mL/minute and the pressure is as high as 600 bar.
2. It is suitable for providing higher resolution and faster separation with smaller particle size columns.
3. It almost maintains without pulse, mixed with good and stable solvent flowing.
4. Its dual floating, accurate servo control piston adjustment range, according to the traffic you choose.
5. Provide as many as four solvents, and the 1260 Infinity II Quaternary Pump provides the maximum flexibility and automatic solvent mix.
6. It is recommended for extensive research and conventional applications (especially in food, environment and pharmaceutical departments) and method development.

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