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QPix™ 400 Series Microbial Colony Picker, ForteBio (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0421-LY)


Select colonies efficiently
Maintain Sterility
Organism-specific pins

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0421-LY

Application: Protein Evolution, Phage Display, DNA Sequencing, Blue-White Screening, Biofuels, Antibiotic Zone of Inhibition

Model: Qpix 400

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The QPix™ 400 Series Microbial Colony Picker is manufactured by ForteBio. The QPix™ 400 Series Microbiological Colony Selector combines intelligent image analysis and precise automation to quickly and efficiently screen large libraries. Pick up to 3000 colonies per hour, which will simplify your workflow. In addition to microbial screening, the system can also be automated. QPix software simplifies a variety of sample preparation and plate processing processes with a variety of data tracking and measurement tools. QPix Colony Selector supports multiple microorganisms and multiple selection methods, including fluorescence intensity, blue / white selection, size and proximity, and suppression area.


Select colonies efficiently
Maintain Sterility
Organism-specific pins
Plating and Spreading
Agar sensing
Multiple imaging modes
Replication, grid and hit picking
Scalable automation options