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Big Tuna Automated Workflow Solution, Unchained Labs (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0064-LY)


1-96 formulations
0.1-192 mL sample
30 min hands-on time

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0064-LY

Application: Automated buffer exchange

Model: Big Tuna

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The Big Tuna Automated Workflow Solution is manufactured by Unchained Labs. It automates the tedious process of swapping the entire buffer exchange and gives all control to your fingertips. Exchange a protein, 96 or anything between them. It handles large and small volume goods with high precision, so you can smoothly pass through the exchange.


Buffer exchange volume range: Unfilter 24: 0.45-8 mL; Unfilter 96: 100-450 μL
Formulations: Unfilter 24: Up to 24 formulations in parallel; Unfilter 96: Up to 96 formulations in parallel
Exchange time at full volume (96%, at 10 mg/mL IgG): Unfilter 24: 4.5 hours; Unfilter 96: 3 hours
Protein concentration (range): Up to 200 mg/mL
Target concentration accuracy: ± 10%
Protein recovery:>96%

Volume measurement: Ultrasonic sensor
Exchange pressure: 60 psi
Operating temperature: Room temperature
Buffer exchange orbital mixing: Unfilter 24: Optimized at 700 rpm; Unfilter 96: Optimized at 875 rpm
Physical: 96 cm L x 81.2 cm D x 130 cm H, 220 kg (instrument)
160 cm L x 100 cm D x 198 cm H, 270 kg (instrument and table)
Electrical: Voltage 100-260 VAC, 50-60 Hz
Nitrogen or CDA requirement: Pressure 0.55-0.9 MPa (80-130 psi)
Flow rate: 40 L/s (85 cfm) minimum

Unfilter 24: 24-well plate, up to 8 mL per well, 10 kDa, regenerated cellulose
Unfilter 96: 96-well plate, up to 450 µL per well; 3, 10, 30, 100 kDa, regenerated cellulose
Disposable tips: 1000 µL non-filtered, automatic re-use up to 12 times per exchange
Dispense precision: <300 µL: ≤3 µL; 0.3–8 mL: ≤1%


1-96 formulations
0.1-192 mL sample
30 min hands-on time
Up to 200 mg/mL protein